
Faculty of Computing & Information Technology

Department of Information Technology


The department intends to prepare professionals who may improve the quality of organizations, industry, and the society by providing modern, effective, reliable, and integrated technology solutions associated with the emerging technologies of the new era.


Information Technology has changed the face of the world with its various upcoming technologies in diverse fields of industry and education. Today’s technological advancements require technology professionals, who can help companies to administer cutting edges technologies like Big Data, IoT and virtualization needs. The department of Information Technology is one of the oldest and biggest departments in the Govt. Murray Graduate College with prestigious traditions. The Department of Information Technology (IT) at GMC has been established with the aim to provide high quality education, which will result in producing IT Professionals having a skill set for establishing and maintaining IT infrastructures. The Department is keen to keep up with the rapid changes and latest advancements in the IT domain. Accordingly, the faculty exerts continuous efforts for the development of its learning, teaching, research and curriculum resources aligned with Higher Education Commission (HEC) and National Computing Education and Accreditation Council (NCEAC) guidelines. With a watchful eye on the needs of local and global markets, The Department of IT works hard to fulfill these needs by producing graduates who are well educated and properly trained to serve their community. The IT department aims at meeting the demands of IT professionals in public and private sectors and is striving hard to provide high quality education to all by maintaining strong links with industry and the professionals. The department is fortune to have diversified faculty, graduated from top ranked national and international institutions. Our graduates secure prominent positions in well reputed firms and contribute their share towards the societal development. The Department ensures active participation of the students in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities at national and international levels. Our students have achieved top positions in several competitions.

HOD Message

We are in the information age and knowledge economy is a reality. Information Technology plays a vital role in this integrated world. Cyber presence is equally important for nations, corporates and individuals. The need of IT education through quality institutions increasing day by day with the increasing demand of emerging trends.

I am confident that the congenial environment of IT department at GMC will offer a stimulating and enriching intellectual experience to our students in enhancing their career prospects. The Programs of Information Technology have been designed to meet the demands of ever-changing work place and continuing professional and technological developments. A Vibrant and dynamic faculty Team working for the betterment of our students through industrial and research collaborations. Top positions in all sports activity are an examples of our belief that healthy body has a healthy mind. Our Graduates are getting good jobs in well reputed organizations.

GMC’s academic and social environment helps new comers to become active member of the campus community quickly. Students of the IT department always have a flagship role in the GMC community. Close faculty-student relationship is the hallmark of the department at academic life with cultural values and norms. I ensure all the applicants and parents; our state of the art infrastructure with committed efforts of my Team will help you to achieve your dreams come true. I invite you to be a member of IT family.

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