
Faculty of Languages & Religious Studies

Faculty of Languages & Religious Studies

The Faculty of Languages & Religious Studies at the Govt. Murray Graduate College is sincerely committed to provide quality education to the students. Having highly qualified and experienced faculty and modern facilities, the curricula of different disciplines in the faculty provide the students with an excellent opportunity to specialize in different programs ranging from BS to PhD levels.

The Faculty of Languages & Religious Studies feels privileged to have various disciplines under its banner. The value and significance of all these disciplines are acknowledged by the academia worldwide, as the present millennium is being conversed through Media and Communication Studies:

Centre for Languages and Translation Studies with the internationally emerging discipline of translation has proved its worth by producing not just translators but also translation scholars.

School of Law offers students an opportunity to sharpen their mind and enhance their understanding not only to be a successful lawyer, but also a successful producer, politician, journalist, police officer or almost any other professional that requires intellectual strength combined with a practical approach to the world.

The Departments of English and Islamic Studies address the intellectual and moral thirst of their students and impart cultured and sophisticated character in them. The faculty of Arts is fully vigilant regarding the academic and professional challenges the world is facing today and therefore is preparing the students to work in a complex and rapidly changing multicultural environment at the national and international levels.

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