
Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science

Science is an absorbing subject, the more you discover the lesser you recognize the hide, it is deep with infinite knowledge. The Faculty of Science at Govt. Murray Graduate College is an evolving one, and more disciplines shall be added as we go along. Our emphasis is on offering courses that cater to the growing demands of energy, food, industrial and economic development, as well as establishing a competitive environment in the highly globalized world. Efforts will also be made to develop applied and inter-disciplinary graduate and post graduate programs that will prepare GMC graduates for the immediate need of the market, both at home and abroad.

Disciplines such as Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Nanophysics are introduced as the demand of the era. As a part of GMC’s academic vision, most of the science students are required to do internships in the industry, businesses, public or private sector organizations, etc. The Faculty of Science is also focusing on collaborated research with relevant industries and research organizations.

If you have already decided to be a scientist or plan to make science your Career, you must wisely decide which branch of science you want to focus on. The Faculty of Science, Govt. Murray Graduate College offers a wide range of degree programs at graduate and post graduate levels.

Based on the diversity and interdisciplinary relation in science disciplines, the Faculty has following departments:

Faculty of Science

  • Department of Botany
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Statistics
  • Department of Zoology
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